Lutheran Hour Ministries

Kansas District 
Lutheran Laymen's League

Financial Aid to Students Preparing
for Full-time Church Careers
for the 2017-2018 Academic Year

     During the summer of 2017, the Kansas Distict LLL Financial Aid Committee awarded $35,821 in student financial aid for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Awards for the 2017-2018 Academic Year
Concordia University, Seward, Nebraska
Student's Name Class Career/Major Home Church
Molly Goltl Senior Teacher Ascension, Wichita
Stephanie Hatesohl Freshman Teacher Bethany, Overland Park
Jacy Johnston Sophomore Teacher Mt. Calvary, Wamego
Olivia Johnson Sophomore Teacher Bethany, Overland Park
Joseph Kracht Senior Teacher Bethlehem, Bremen
Kasandra Kosberg Junior Teacher Beautiful Savior, Olathe
Makayla Kosberg Sophomore Teacher Beautiful Savior, Olathe
Jayme Lowe Junior Teacher Trinity, Atchison
Katherine Wehling Freshman Teacher Grace, Liberal
Kaleb Weinkauf Junior Pastor Risen Savior, Basehor
Leah Werling Junior DCE Trinity, Salina

Awards for the 2017-2018 Academic Year
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri
Student's Name Class Career/Major Home Church
Michael Apfel Sem IV Pastor Bethany, Overland Park
Brian Doel Sem II Pastor Hope, Shawnee
Andrew Hatesohl Sem IV Pastor St. Paul, Clay Center
Bryan Meadows Sem I Pastor Bethany, Overland Park
Jeron Melon Sem I Pastor Holy Cross, Wichita
Brendon Moore Sem I Pastor Ascension, Wichita

Awards for the 2017-2018 Academic Year
Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Student's Name Class Career/Major Home Church
Nathan Knaus Sem IV Pastor Faith, Abilene
Mika Patron Deaconess Grace, McPherson
Christian Schultz Sem II Pastor St. John, Alma
Lawson Short Sem III Pastor Peace, Greenburg

Student Financial Aid Committee
2017-2018 Academic Year
Member Title Member Name Spouse's Name Send e-mail
Chairman Charles Friedrichs Mary
Committee Member Jerry Siebold Betty (785) 632-2051
Committee Member Douglas Rengstorf Karen (785) 767-3820

Page updated: 2017-12-27